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Penumpang Julit...... Bawa Kabur Selimut Bus EKA

Sleeping Buddha Statue at Mojokerto

Buddha Statue at Trowulan Mojokerto
Sleeping Buddha Statue -  at Maha Vihara Trowulan, Mojokerto located not too far from Surabaya only takes a one half hour to that location. Unfortunately there is no public transport from the main roads (Mojokerto – Jombang) to reach these tourist sites. 

This statue is claimed to be the third largest sleeping Buddha statue in Southeast Asia. The fact itself I do not know for sure, but in terms of appearance because I'm comparing with photos from other sleeping Buddha statue, the statue appears to look better and sturdiness. Moreover, with the golden color of paint that gives the impression of an antique.

Buddha Statue at Trowulan Mojokerto

If you are a "BACKPACKER" this location you can reach by using AKAP bus that leads to Tulungagung or Kediri from Bungurasih bus station. To my knowledge maybe you only pay for a bus ticket for 7 thousand rupiah. You just told bus conductor will go down at the intersection after the police station Trowulan. 
After arriving at the intersection you have to cross towards the road which leads back into the city, you walk down the hall about 100 meters away where there are signs leading to the temple. From the hallway you have to walk approximately 500 meters to the location, very good for your health. Because there is no public transport leading to the location of a shame :-(.
Vihara gate

In front of the monastery there is a parking area for cars and motorbikes are quite extensive. Entrance to the Maha Vihara where SLEEPING BUDDHA STATUE I forgot hehehe, which is certainly less than 10 thousand rupiah. Children and adults apply different tickets. The statue is located in the left corner of the entrance. Situated above the fish pond, Sleeping Buddha statue is bounded by the fence where visitors are not allowed to go in and holding the statue. On the right there is a Lotus or lotus pond that is not too big, but this view is great for photography enthusiasts. I suggest to come a little early for lunch or late afternoon when the statue will be scorching sunny and it would interfere with the performance of the camera.
Borobudur temple replica 

The cleanliness of the temple is maintained but there appears here the garbage from visitors :-( coming. Pleased to see the statue, you can walk to the right side of the temple where there is a stone carving miniature Borobudur temple. Unfortunately size is very small and not suitable for use as a background image. before her there shrine where visitors are not allowed in, and go to the other side there are a few other cult statue statues.

Broadly speaking, I think it worth enough to visit this tour even though there is not much we can get. However, from the point of photography enthusiasts are suitable as object snap.


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